How can connecting culture and music help people or improve society?
Think About
- How can music bring people together to achieve a common goal?
- How can people connect culture and music to help people or improve society?
Get Started
- Watch parts of the documentary Idle No More by Sacramento Knoxx. Think about how Sacramento Knoxx weaves traditional Anishiinaabe singing and drumming into the music and visuals for Idle No More.
The documentary features interviews and footage of a collective action in relationship to the Idle No More movement. “Idle No More seeks to provide ongoing information on the historical and contemporary context of colonialism, and provide an analysis of the interconnections of race, gender, sexuality, class and other identity constructions in ongoing oppression. #IdleNoMore also seeks to make visible what has often been untold…”
As you watch think about: How is this an example of connecting music and community to help people or improve society?
- How might music be playing a role in bringing people together around the issues addressed by the Idle No More movement?
- What ways might you want to bring people together in your community?
- What does the phrase “Idle no more” mean to you?
- Are there ways you and your community could be “idle no more?”
- How could music play a role in this?
- Collaborate with some friends and other people in your community to identify a common goal you would like to achieve to help people
- Brainstorm with your group how you can use music to bring people together to achieve the common goal
- Brainstorm with your group how the music can connect with culture and community
- Develop a plan
- Identify some trusted adults who can help you carry out your plan
- See if you can make it happen!
Share What you Learned
- Share a plan of how you will build community to achieve a common goal that will help people. Include the following:
- The specific goal you want to achieve
- Why you think it would be positive to achieve this goal
- How you will use music to bring people together to achieve this goal
- How the music will be connected to culture and community
- What people you will need to collaborate with to make this happen
- A timeline that leads to you achieving the goal
Next Steps
Return to the XP: How can music build community?
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