Sound Explorations Playtesting: Starting Playtesting
Step 6) Decide When and Where to Playtest
We want this to work for you!
You can playtest in any context – as part of a class or ensemble, a lunch-time or afterschool group etc.
You can even have some youth work on the playlists at home.
It is fine to have a small group do the playtesting, it does not need to be an entire class or ensemble.
Just let us know what you decide by putting the information in your google document and letting our playtesting coordinator know.
What do I need to playtest?
Technically, all you need is a computer or mobile device per youth participant (or group of participants) with internet access to playtest.
We are designing the playlists so that they require minimal resources.
However, we are also interested in how they work in varied settings such as with more advanced equipment, with instruments, with music technology etc.
Use the learning playlists in a way that make sense for you, for your students, and for your program. We’ll find out from you what does or does not work.
What if something goes wrong or doesn’t work?
If you find a video that is blocked or a site that doesn’t work – let us know – that’s the point of the playtesting.
We apologize for any inconveniences but we are releasing these learning experiences in draft form so that we can have the feedback earlier rather than later.
You and your students are playing an important role in helping us improve the resources and make them valuable to you, the youth in your program, and to others.
Step 7) Share the XPs with Youth Participants
- In some cases we are testing entire playlists and in other cases we are testing specific learning experiences (XPs) that make up a learning playlist.
- We will request that you playtest certain learning experiences (XPs) and playlists.
- You are also invited to playtest any additional learning experiences (XPs) and playlists.
You will find links to each of the music learning playlists on the main playtesting music learning playlists site. We suggest you send them directly to the playlist rather than the facilitator oriented site.
These are in draft form and will be updated frequently throughout May as we apply feedback.
Here is how we suggest you go about playtesting the XPs:
1) Instruct youth to try out the XPs designed for their Group #
You can decide whether they work individually or in small groups
It will be helpful for us to know how the XPs work in both contexts
2) Provide youth participants with the link to the specific playtesting site for the playlist they will try (found on the playtesting music learning playlists main site)
Keep track of which participants are engaging with which versions of the XPs
3) Observe the participants as they engage with the XPs
4) Allow participants to discuss their engagement with each other, the XPs are designed to be social in nature
5) It is optional for youth participants to submit the “share what you learned” content in the comment section
- Note: Their submissions will be hidden from the public.
- It is up to you if or how you will integrate this into your own program
- For this playtesting study we will not be providing feedback to the youth participants on what they submit
6) Invite participants to try the XPs after school or at home as well